What Azumanga character are you?If you cant find a awnser thats accurate enough, just pick one thats close enough.

If you were to put yourself in a box, how would you describe yourself?
Careless and full of energy
Airheaded and weird, but im smarter than i look
Introverted, nice and quiet
Polite and childish
Competitive and/or energetic yet sweet and senstitive underneath
Smart and usually mature yet easy to temper

What sounds the most worrying?
Giving up after failing in something im passionate about
Nobody taking me seriously
That ill let my escapism get the best of me
That nobody will know me for who i really am
Gaining weight

how are you at sports?
Im bad at sports but i like to try
I love sports, im great at them
I look like id be good at sports, but they dont really interest me
Im terrible at sports
Im good at sports
I dont know, its fun

Whats with loud people?
Im usually the loud one
We get along just fine
Theyre usually picking on me
They annoy me
I dont mind them, but they can make me nervous
I get along with them good

What would be your role in a fictional friendgroup?
The loud one
The weird one
The shy one
The polite one
The tomboy
The straight man

What sounds the most appealing to you?
A world where im the best at everything
A peaceful world where i can have a nice time with all my friends
A world where strange things happen all the time, yet somehow it all makes sense to me
A world where i get to have fun competing against people stronger than me
A world where i can eat all the food i want and never gain weight
A world filled with cats

How are you at school?
I cheat
Im a natural
Im decent with it
I suck
Im good at it, im always studying
Id be better at it if i could just focus

Do people look at you for school related favors?
Im usually asking for favors
I dont remember..
Yes, but im usually the last option
All the time. Either way, im always willing to help
They would be dumb to ask me
Yes, but i dont give in to everyone