The web site of joal

Here is a small, slightly-hidden away page to store my FL stuff.

Since I barley started making music and dont have much to show ill just keep these here for curious viewers, once im back in the mood to make more i'll be moving this somewhere else.

(Turn volume up for this one)

The first time i ever made something in FL, made with samples that are only slightly manipulated.

My first real FL Loop. My friend said it was reminiscent of the music that played during the Adult Swim bumps, which is a big compliment to me. Even if i have a long way to go I do think its a good start. Its not too noticable but I actually sampled a Klonoa sound effect in this (=.

Here I tried making something more "ambient" inspired i guess i can say. Someone said it reminded them of The Ghost Pop Tape, which is one of my favorite albums. At the time, I didnt have the album in mind neither was i even finished listening to it all the way through. Though I have mixed feelings about JPEG M. musically, i do like his early works.

Made this one morning to test out a synth VST I downloaded, its not my favorite thing ive made.

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